My close analysis about the Bagobo myth entitled "THE SUN AND THE MOON"

My close analysis of the Bagobo Myth about "The Sun and the Moon".

The Bagobo people, an indigenous tribe from Mindanao, Philippines, have a rich mythology that explains their cosmology and worldview. One of their myths, "The Sun and the Moon," tells the story of how the sun and moon came to exist and their relationship to the earth and the people.

According to the myth, in the beginning, the earth was dark and there was no light. The gods, wanting to create light, decided to make the sun and the moon. They fashioned the sun out of gold and the moon out of silver. The sun was meant to be the male deity and the moon the female deity.

The gods placed the sun and the moon in the sky and gave them the task of lighting up the earth. The sun was tasked with providing light during the day while the moon was tasked with providing light during the night. The sun and the moon were also given the responsibility of regulating the passage of time.

However, the sun was not satisfied with just being a source of light. He wanted to be worshiped and revered by the people on earth. He became proud and arrogant, believing that he was the most important deity. He demanded that the people worship him and offer sacrifices in his honor.

The moon, on the other hand, was more humble and content with her role. She understood that the sun was important, but so was she. She knew that she had her own unique qualities that made her valuable. She saw the importance of balance and harmony in the world.

As time passed, the sun's arrogance became unbearable. He began to abuse his power and neglected his duties. The earth became scorched and dry because of his intense heat. The people suffered, and their crops began to wither.

The gods realized that they needed to intervene. They decided to punish the sun for his arrogance and appointed the moon to take over his duties during the day. The moon was hesitant at first, but she understood the importance of balance and harmony in the world. She agreed to take on the sun's responsibilities during the day, and the sun was relegated to providing light during the night.

From then on, the sun and the moon shared their duties, and balance was restored to the world. The sun learned to be humble and appreciate the value of balance and harmony. The people on earth learned to respect both the sun and the moon and understood the importance of balance in the world.

In conclusion, the Bagobo myth of "The Sun and the Moon" explains the origin and relationship of these celestial bodies, as well as the importance of balance and harmony in the world. It also teaches the value of humility and the dangers of arrogance.


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