The story poem titled The sun and moon

Once upon a time, the Sun and the Moon
Were the best of friends, they always sang in tune
They shared the sky, day and night
Each one taking turns, shining bright

The Sun would rise early, with a golden glow
Spreading warmth and light, to all below
He'd chase away the darkness, with his fiery might
And paint the world, in shades of light

Then at dusk, he'd slowly fade away
And the Moon would come out, to take his place
With a gentle glow, and a silver light
She'd fill the sky, with a peaceful sight

The Moon would watch, as the world slept
And guard them all, while the night crept
She'd shine her light, on the land and sea
And make everything, as clear as can be

The Sun and the Moon, were happy this way
Taking turns to shine, day after day
But one day, the Sun felt a pang of envy
And decided he wanted, to shine always

He thought to himself, "I'm bigger and brighter
Why should I share the sky, with a dimmer light?"
So he refused to set, and stayed up high
Thinking he could outshine, the Moon in the sky

But as time passed, the Sun grew tired
And his light dimmed, as he lost his fire
The Moon saw him struggling, and took pity
And shared her light, without any enmity

Together they shone, as they always had
And the Sun learned, that it's not so bad
To share the sky, with a friend so dear
And take turns to shine, year after year

And so they continued, to light up the sky
The Sun and the Moon, always nearby
A lesson learned, from a moment of greed
That friendship and sharing, is all we need.


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