The tale of Bagobo"The Sun and the Moon"

Once upon a time, in the land of the Bagobo people, there was a fierce battle between the Sun and the Moon. The two celestial bodies were fighting for supremacy, and their clashes caused chaos on earth. The Bagobo people were frightened and didn't know what to do.

The Sun was angry and wanted to rule the sky all day long. He thought that the Moon was weak and only shone at night. The Moon, on the other hand, believed that the Sun was arrogant and didn't deserve to shine all the time.

The Bagobo people decided to intervene and end the battle. They summoned Bagobo, a wise old man who had a reputation for solving disputes. Bagobo listened to both the Sun and the Moon's arguments and then suggested a compromise.

He said, "Sun, you shall shine for half of the day, and Moon, you shall shine for the other half. This way, both of you will have your time to rule the sky, and there will be no more fighting."

The Sun and the Moon agreed to Bagobo's suggestion and went on to fulfill their half-day duties. The Sun would rise in the morning and shine until noon, and then the Moon would take over and rule the sky until sunrise.

The Bagobo people were delighted with the peace that had been restored, and they celebrated by holding a feast in honor of Bagobo's wisdom. They named him their chief advisor and entrusted him with making important decisions for their community.

From then on, the Bagobo people lived in harmony, and the Sun and the Moon followed their half-day duties, never again causing chaos on earth.

The tale of Bagobo, the Sun, and the Moon has been passed down through generations of the Bagobo people as a reminder of the power of compromise and wisdom. It teaches us that disputes can be resolved peacefully, and that compromise is the key to ending conflicts.

The Bagobo people also believe that Bagobo's wisdom was a gift from the spirits of their ancestors, who watch over them and guide them to this day.


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